Friday, 21 September 2012

Every little helps...

Hello All!

My isn't it amazing how so much can change in such a short space of time!
We have been working our socks off to get our new place up and running as soon as possible, and things have been going well so far! We have even officially been labelled a 'Community Interest Company' which we LOVE because after all, we love our community!

However we can't help but get a bit flustered sometimes, seen as this is such a new venture to all of us! And as well as becoming our very own full time labourers, we have also had to teach ourselves EVERYTHING that comes with setting up a business! 

This is why we are asking for a bit of help :)

We know that our villages are super fantastic in every way, and this wouldn't be so if it wasn't for the super fantastic and talented people who live here!
We would just like a bit of advice on a few things, and we would really love any support you can give!

We have come to the realisation that, even though we often think it, we don't know everything! And sometimes it is best to ask the professionals :) 
So if anyone knows of any good tips or any good contacts even, with regards to planning permission (for change of use) Or perhaps you know where is the best place to go for grants and funding to help us get off the ground, that would be soooooo fantastic!

We also have a lot of things to plan for, including our opening event (YEY!) So we would also LOVE any ideas you have to help us raise a bit of funds, including any up and coming fairs you know of! 
Perhaps you may even like to donate some things to help support us, be it your time to help us paint and get ready, your creativity and knowledge, or even some of your unwanted items for us to kit out our shop or sell at these fairs!

We cannot wait to be a part of our amazing village, and we know it is going to be such a great place for us all to enjoy! We hope you feel the same, and we appreciate all of your support and well wishes so far!

Lots of love from 
Steph, Amy, Di and the two Pats!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Totally Locally!

What a fabulous weekend we have had! 
The first ever Totally Locally Slaithwaite fair went down a storm , the whole of the village was completely rammed and even the sunshine was on our side!

Here are some pictures of our magical day....

Our first ever stall we managed to piece together in under an hour!

Some of Stephanie's bags and Amy and Sheila enjoy some of Sheila's lovely tea sets

The whole village was full!

Amy, Steph Sheila and Di working hard (ish)

Hand picked wild flowers

Meals on Wheels with still going strong with the help Steph's 'Granny Splash' illustrations

Our lovely local green grocers!

Literally everyone and his dog was there!

Amy's lovely felt bags, and Amy after our first pint of local beer!


The fabulous food circle!

There was nothing left by the end of the day!

All of us finally got together to celebrate our new venture :)

Bring on the next one!!!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

It's all go!

We finally got our first set of keys yesterday! And we were all ready and raring to celebrate before we realised we had actually a lot of work ahead of us before the opening day!

This meant that we had to rope everyone in to help scrub and 'de-grime' the walls- not pleasant I have to say!

Here is Pat and Di getting stuck in, and Gaz and Dom doing their best to rescue the walls!

The mess seemed to be endless! But it was already starting to look better...

We can finally see the fabulous character features of the mill, and you can almost get an idea of how great it will look with all of the steel posts and rustic wooden floor. 
(We think Di would make a great builder!)

This is a picture of what it looked like when we first went to see it- so you can already see the progress, and how much lighter it is! Not far to go now (we hope!) Next stage is the painting.... wish us luck!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Life is just a circus...

You may have noticed we have a new logo design, and isn't it just grand!

We all sat together at our recent meeting and went through some choices for our business, and it must have taken us about 4 minutes from start to finish to decide out theme! 
Everything just seems to be flowing very easily for us now, I mean the designs themselves were done by our fellow crafter/ invester Stephanie B/ Felt Mountain Studios And you can't get more handy then that I guess!

We just cannot wait to show them off now and what better place to start then at the Totally Locally Food Festival on Sunday in Slaithwaite Village! 

We hope to see you there it is going to be a really great day!