Thursday, 18 October 2012

We are finally opening!

It's official! We have finally set our open date!
It is going to be a tight squeeze but we can do it!

We are having our first open evening on Friday 2nd Nov from 7pm with free drinks (we are attempting to home brew them as we speak!) And live music from some cracking local bands. Plus KLTV will be coming down to do some filming at some point too- I know! It is going to be a wicked night, but this is just invite only I am afraid (we will be sending these out too soon so don't worry if you haven't got yours yet!)

However we are continuing the opening throughout the whole of the weekend, so you will not miss a thing! We hope to be open pretty much all day to welcome customers new and familiar to come celebrate our brand new adventure!
We hope to see you there and would absolutely love any support you can give in helping us get ready- eep!

Lots of Love
Steph, Amy, Di and the 2 Pats x

Monday, 15 October 2012

A few little pics...

Hello! We just thought we would add a few pics of our hip happenings as they unfold.

So far we have scrubbed and scraped the walls and ceilings so they are completely free of dirt (not fun!) And we have donned our shower caps and just finished PVAing everything too- YEY!

This means we are set to paint this week, which we all know is when the real progress happens! We have already started painting the office, just the rest of it now....

We also had some free time (for once!) And got to attend the Meltham ladies night at the Sports Complex there. We drank some ginger beer, chatted to some familiar faces and a nice night was had by all!

That is all for now but we shall be updating you very shortly with more exciting news!
Have a great Monday! x