Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Come visit us!

Unfortunately this blog is no longer in use...

However we have plenty of hip happenings over on our Facebook page! 

(Which you can visit here)

Do stop by and take a look, and if there is anything you need you can contact us Via our personal emails:

For Vintage & Antiques contact Pat:

For Handmade & Craft contact Steph:

For The Gallery contact Wendy:

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Welcome Spring!

The Emporium at Slaithwaite is super excited to announce it will be re-opening it’s doors over the Mother’s Day Weekend (28th, 29th 30th) to welcome the new local businesses and gift shops that have joined their already fabulous team!

Come and join us in our celebrations!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

New in!

Oh how we have had some changes the past few months!

Not only have we expanded into twice the shop we were... we also have had heaps of gorgeous new designer/ makers and artists flooding through the door into our new handmade and gallery area!

We are thrilled and love the new space we get to play with :)

Here are just a few of the new people who have joined us with their talents recently...